I was devastated after being botched by another surgeon last year. I was more self conscious of my nose than ever for a whole year until it was time to start looking for someone to do my revision.

I went on a few different consultations but decided on Dr. Balikian. He was very honest about what he could and couldn’t do. He also set real expectations so we had a mutual understanding of the goal. I felt I could trust him since he specializes in faces and noses. He has a warm, professional and kind demeanor that made my feel I could trust him. But the deciding factor was how much Dr. Balikian seemed genuinely excited about fixing my nose.

Surgery went well and so did the healing. I’m now 4 weeks post op and I love it already. The pictures speak for themselves. I think my nose looks beautiful and am very impressed with how much better Dr. Balikian made my nose look. I feel like he gave me my life and confidence back. I’m no longer embarrassed when I go out in public. I’m no longer self conscious about my side profile and nostril show. I like how my nose looks when I look in the mirror and feel confident about my nose for the first time in my life. I’m will forever be grateful for Dr. Balikian fixing my nose and making it beautiful. He is truly a wonderful surgeon.