Eye Rejuvenation Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Richard V. Balikian, Murrieta and San Diego
This patient came in and wanted Dr. Balikian’s opinion on what she can do to look her best. Dr. Balikian recommended full facial rejuvenation to lead to the most beautiful result. Oftentimes patients will be scared when multiple procedures are recommended that they are going to look funny or overdone. Dr. Baikian often discusses with his patients that when we treat the 3 ways of aging: gravity, volume loss and texture changes to the skin we will get a more harmonious result. Dr. Balikian is grateful that this patient allowed him to choose the procedures she needed. Her results are beautiful and harmonious even at 3 months.
Dr. Balikian performed Deep Plane Facelift with Buccal Fat Excision, Deep Necklift with Subplatysmal Fat Removal, Digastric Muscle Reduction, Submandibular Gland Reduction and Platysmaplasty, Four-Point Minimal Access Brow Lift, Upper Lid Blepharoplasty with Lacrimal Gland Ptosis Repair, Lower Eyelid Transconjunctival Surgery with Skin Pinch, Full Face Fat Transfer and Tip Only Rhinoplasty.