Breast Augmentation Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Tyler Frew, Murrieta and San Diego
This wonderful patient was interested in learning more about breast augmentation. She came in for a consultation with Dr. Frew, and they talked in detail and decided she is a good candidate for a breast augmentation. Dr. Frew takes great pride in his consultation process as it is never rushed and together you come up with the best plan for you!
They discussed silicone vs saline augmentation and also subpectoral vs subglandular augmentation. They also spoke about IMF support to increase the longevity of her results as well as prevent inferior malposition of the implants. Dr. Frew recommended suture IMF reinforcement. Together they tried on both moderate, full, and extra high profile implants with the patient and she was favoring the full profile. There is so much more that Dr. Frew discusses with his patients in their consultation, these are just a few points.
☑️ Breast Augmentation With 345cc Full Profile Silicone Gummy Bear Implants
☑️ Internal Bra