A rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed around the world. It is highly effective and safe, but there are some instances where it may not go exactly as planned. Whether it doesn’t heal properly or the results simply don’t match your expectations, you can undergo a corrective procedure known as a revision rhinoplasty to help improve the end-result.

Understanding the Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure

A Revision Rhinoplasty, as the name suggests, is nose job that is done a second time to make changes or improve upon the results of a previous nose job. It is also referred to as a secondary rhinoplasty.

When someone undergoes a rhinoplasty for the first time and they are not happy with the results, revision rhinoplasty is the solution. It may be that their nose is still a little too big, or a little too small; they may not be satisfied with the shape or the angle of the nasal tip; or they may have problems breathing after the initial surgery. Whatever the problem is, the aim of the revision rhinoplasty is to fix it.

According to Consumer Guide to Plastic surgery, approximately 15 percent of patients who have undergone primary rhinoplasty opt for a revision rhinoplasty. However, it is important to keep in mind that your nose may take up to a year or more to fully heal. So, be patient and wait before you undergo an invasive procedure like this a second time.

What to Expect During the Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is more complex and difficult than the primary rhinoplasty procedure. The process usually takes longer – usually around 4 hours – as compared to around 2 hours for a first-time nose job. The surgery will be customized to fit the needs of each patient to ensure the best end-result.

The main goal is to restore the aesthetic appearance of the nose, as well as functionality. If required, your surgeon may even add or remove cartilage. Not surprisingly, your surgeon will have a much easier time if the revision rhinoplasty only requires him to remove cartilage. If he needs to add more, he will have to take it from your ears, ribs, or nasal septum.

There are two types of surgical techniques. One is open revision rhinoplasty, where incisions are made inside the patient’s nose. The other is closed rhinoplasty, where incisions are made on the thin tissue strip between the nostrils. It must be understood that since this surgery is complex, it is highly suggested that you approach only well-qualified and experienced surgeons.

The Recovery Process

The recovery process is very similar to that of a primary rhinoplasty. It is normal to feel mild pain, bleeding, or swelling during the first few days after the surgery, but it is expected to subside. Your doctor can also prescribe medication to help you feel more comfortable. Remember not to stress your nasal area for at least six to eight weeks.

Contact Our Office

We understand how important it is for you to look and feel your best. If for any reason you’re unhappy with the outcome of your initial nose job, you can contact our office to learn more about the corrective procedure. As a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Richard Balikian can help you achieve a look that you can feel proud to show off.