Temecula, CA-  It’s that time of the year again, where we all make our new year resolutions.  Do you hate your profile, is the skin on your neck sagging? In profile pictures, does your chin seem to run down into your neck? You have a case of the dreaded Turkey Neck.

Dr. Richard Balikian is a leading southern California facial plastic surgeon that specializes in facial rejuvenation, neck lift surgery, and chin lipo which has helped many with the dreaded turkey neck.  Here is a look at what causes this condition, and how Dr. Richard Balikian, M.D., can help get rid of it.

The Causes

Turkey wattles are affected by the effect of age on muscles and skin, genetics, sun and weight. Here is a look at how each contributes.

Muscles. Gravity and time stretch out the muscles in the neck. As they become lax, they show up more. Since they look like bands, they remind people of the necks of turkeys, hence the term.

Skin. For the skin, age is the usual culprit, combined with too much sun. And genetics plays a part. Over time, the skin on the neck becomes less elastic, thinner and retains less moisture.

Weight. An additional cause is extra weight. It can gradually move from the facial area toward the lower jaw and chin, aggravating the turkey neck look.

Sun. Too much exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun hastens the aging the skin.

Genetics. If turkey neck runs in your family, you are more likely to develop the look. It tends to affect everyone as they age, but genetics can cause it to appear earlier.

What Happens During a Neck Lift?

Before neck lift surgery, Dr. Balikian will discuss the procedure with you. Together you will decide whether to use local anesthesia with IV sedation or general anesthesia. He will explain what he does during surgery and the results you can expect.

During the procedure, he will make incisions under your chin and possibly behind your ears. He will then tighten up the weak muscles in the neck area and remove the unsightly bands that appear down your neck. He will also remove any excess skin.

He uses advanced deep-plane surgery techniques and SMAS muscle elevation. This makes it possible to not just tighten up the skin, but to actually reposition the tissue beneath the skin.

“Look Like Yourself, Only Better”

That’s is Dr. Balikian’s philosophy for cosmetic surgery.

When you look in the mirror as you heal from surgery, you will see a crisper profile and a sharper angle at chin and neck.

To give you an idea of what to expect, check out the differences in these before-and-after photos.

Dr. Balikian’s approach sets the clock back, giving your neck the definition it had a decade ago. The skin is smoother and the wrinkles and bands are reduced.

The results are natural looking, not artificially tight and scrunched. There is no pulled look. Instead, your face looks natural, younger and relaxed. The incision lines are almost impossible to detect.

Trust Experience

Dr. Balikian is facial plastic surgeon who is double certified, in:

  • Facial Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Head and Neck Surgery

That means he has six years of training in specialized surgical methods for aesthetic surgery, reconstructive surgery and surgery of the face and neck.




(951) 719-2950